Adam Divall

Walkthrough Guides and Other Useful Information on AWS

My AWS Certification Journey from 1 to 11

2022-09-02 9 min read Certifications Adam Divall

How did I first get into Technology and AWS?

As a child I always loved playing computer games back in the days when you had to load games via tape cassettes on the Amstrad CPC-464.

I was never particularly academic at school. After completing my GCSE’s and quitting my A-Levels after a year; I went to college where I did a BTEC National Diploma in Computer Studies where I found my passion for IT.

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Creating a Blog with Hugo and AWS Amplify

2022-08-28 6 min read Walkthroughs Adam Divall

This post is a Walkthrough Guide of how I’ve created this Blog using Hugo and AWS Amplify.

I’m not a Developer by trade and therefore when determining on what to use for the Blog Software I had the following high-level requirements:

  • Simple to Setup & Configure
  • Easy to Use & Maintain on an ongoing Basis
  • Cost Effective

After reviewing a number of different options following a few hours of reading on Google, I settled on Hugo. What is Hugo, you may ask? Well in short, it’s a static site generator. It allows you to create files in markdown format and using some magic it converts it into HTML.

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